Discourse by President Maduro: Chávez, More future than the past

«Dear Comrade Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Popular Power for Defense, dear comrade Admiral Remigio Ceballos, Operational Strategic Commander, Senior Staff Officer, fellow President of the National Constituent Assembly, Delcy Rodríguez, dear President of the Judiciary, Doctor Michael Moreno, Dr. Tibisay Lucena, president of the Electoral Power, Comptroller General of the Republic, Ombudsman, brothers, sisters; 5 years of a great history of struggle, 5 years that we live in oath to take our Commander to his eternal sowing and tell him what we were going to do, 5 years later we are here, telling our commander in his Eternal Flame, Commander Hugo Chávez , your people and your armed force, you have been loyal, even beyond the limits of loyalty, in this immense, difficult and complex battle of five heroic years.

These are days of many memories, of deep feelings, when about 5 years later he is able to see a tear, simple and sensitive, he says as Neruda: it is worth having lived, it is worth living. It is worth having lived with a man who undoubtedly, over time, continues to grow in his thinking, in his projection, in his moral example, in his leadership, in his humanity, as highlighted by Major General Ornelas Ferreira, in his extraordinary words, I take this opportunity to congratulate him for this extraordinary piece of oratory that he has given us today, 5 years after the departure of our commander Hugo Chávez, it is worth having been in the living school, of the example, of the demand in the school revolutionary of Hugo Chávez, school is not easy in the exigency and the example, because when you have a moral leadership, everyone around you is bound by that moral leadership and that’s how our school was with Comandante Chávez, intense, – permanent requirement in values.

If you asked me today, to summarize how I did five years ago, the feeling of a whole country, which would summarize what are the three highest teachings among the many in life, in example of moral life, in example of political life and Chavez’s spiritual life, I would summarize them in three fundamental values: the first backbone of everything, loyalty, brothers and sisters, loyalty, principles, loyalty to dreams, loyalty to principles and dreams, embodied in loyalty to the poor people, to none, to the no one, to no one, loyalty to the revolutionary project, loyalty to the test of all pressures, of all praise, of all times.

It was not Hugo Chávez who had the excuse to put aside the principles and betray his people under any circumstances. If someone wants to approach Chávez Gigante, Chávez example, cultivate loyalty in his soul, loyalty as a backbone, of men and women straight, useful to the country, at the service of the people.

The second value that filled everything was love, perhaps in what we remember most, the sensitive love, as described by Major General Orlenas Ferreyra, sensitive love, the child, the girl, the elderly needy, helpless, the poor people perched on these hills, in these fields, the forgotten and despised Indians, the love, the love of the homeland above anything else, the love of humanity with its open chest without pettiness, the love of the peoples of the world and the cause of humanity, the love that can do everything, the love of God, the love of the redeeming Christ, the Christ of all times, the Christ who liberates us, love yes, who marks everything, who converts all acts, in the act of true honesty with life.

And, the third value that left us, and when I say it, future bulldog, socialism, socialism as a new paradigm to save humanity, socialism in all its dimensions as he drew it, socialism in its moral, spiritual dimension, socialism in its social dimension of a new model of society, a new cultural educational model, socialism in the economic to overcome the ties and vices of capitalist economy that he denounced today, and that hit us so much today, independent oil rentier , socialism in the dimension of the territorial, of the communal, socialism in the dimension of the political, of the democratic, of freedom, socialism as an inconclusive dream, as a dream to be built.

Combine the values ​​when we dedicate this tribute to our Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez Frías, it is to see that today his flare, is today more ardent than ever, because his dreams are alive, made people in the streets, made soldiers in the barracks, and because its cause is our cause, and it is pending to do, if loyalty, let us agree as one who combines a secret formula to create the potion of eternal life, the absolute loyalty to the principles, the values ​​beyond our life, the love of peoples, love of God, love of children and socialism as an unfinished work, as a project to build.

Five years ago, it was barely yesterday, the feelings are still very raw, listen to each song of these children who sing to us, of these girls, their poem, they are songs that became a symbol of a moment, of history without place doubt; symbol like that puppy that is there asleep, and I was glad to see that sleeping dog called Brazón, I remember it as if it were right now, when we left in the vehicle Tiuna, that was driving and accompanied us all the way, from the patio of the Academy, to the barracks of 4F, the barracks of the mountain, running forward as with a dance between sadness and joy, here it is five years later, it is full of symbols, of memories.

We have to say it, five years later, when everything seemed uncertain, when the imperialist enemies of the country and their internal accomplices, the same oligarchy today, the same one that attacked Chavez yesterday, who made fun of Chávez’s illness, the same that although a mask is put on today and another tomorrow, as Diosdado said in yesterday’s program, «With the Dando Mazo» are the same ones who sought the daggers to end this Revolution and the Constitution on April 11, 2002, They are the same ones who made fun of the death and illness of our Commander, they are the same ones who said: «Chávez died and no one will return them», do you remember? They are the same.

When you remember the calculations of them 5 years ago, he says from his heart, what a heroic town we have, how many things we have had to go through, and I always say, where are we? Here !, we are standing, despite the tears that are still fresh, I keep saying what I was saying to Adam Chavez, in an interview a week ago, to Chavez we have to remember him as a force for the future, Chávez: More future that past, Chávez is more joy than anything, Chávez has to be permanent energy that summarizes the best of us.

Chávez has to be remembered with a smile in the air, with a hug, a child with a flag waving in a march of the town. Chávez is not sad, Chávez is not nostalgic, Chávez is not a testimony of what happened, Chávez is testimony of what is going to happen in the future of this country, because Chávez is more future than the past, Chávez is not sad and should not be forgotten , Chávez should be our hope, as the hope that we defend every day, and I said it 5 years ago and I ratify it, Commander Flare, Comandante Futuro, they could not with you, they have not been able to do it with us, and they will not be able to with the military civic union ever. , more may this people »

Today we say with more love and excitement than ever, Chávez lives, the Homeland continues, Independence and Socialist Homeland, we will live and we will win. Until Victory always Commander, We will win.

Prensa Digital MippCI / Sanyira Tortoza




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